Category Archives: Mechanical Maintenance Solutions

Having wood epoxy putty ready for furniture restoration

Antique furniture restoration with it's value, summary imageSo that chair you love is broken, or maybe someone in your place of business cracked some of your wooden furniture. The question that immediately arises after the initial shock is: “shoot, how am I supposed to fix this?” Before you start driving nails into your furniture or before you bust out the handy duct tape, maybe consider taking a look at a wood epoxy putty repair stick.

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Repairing and rebuilding wood with a wood epoxy putty repair stick

For years and years, people have used wood to build, fix and create. However, repairing broken wood has not been so easy, at least for people who aren’t trained carpenters. So what happens when you find a break in the wood at your place of business? Are you going to waste precious money on a carpenter to come and fix it? The answer may lie with a certain product known as: “Wood Repair Epoxy Putty”.

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Aluminum repair epoxy putty stick

repair aluminum or alloy parts with aluminum epoxy putty repair stickHere we go again, yet another break in your place of business. Small enough to be fixed by one of those famous epoxy putty sticks you’ve heard so much about, but which one do you use? Is this an “Emergency repair for copper pipes with Copper epoxy putty stick” situation or maybe a “Does steel epoxy putty permanently fix metals?” instance? What if it’s neither? What if this time you need to repair… aluminum?

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Emergency copper pipes repair with epoxy putty stick

Copper water supply pipe running in commercial or public placesSo you think you’ve got an emergency situation with your copper pipes. Maybe a copper pipe is leaking, maybe something has burst. All you know is that you need an emergency repair on your copper pipes or else you’re going to face some serious water damage. You don’t need a temporary repair, you need a permanent fix for this home improvement venture. So herein lies the question: do you need to call a plumber or is there a repair product that can help you fix this emergency repair by yourself? The answer might be simpler than you think.

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Does steels epoxy putty permanently fix metals?

Metal machinery in mill industrySo you’ve got yourself a repair job. You recognize the material as some sort of metal, but aren’t sure what you’re supposed to do about it. Do you call a welder? A metal worker? A blacksmith of some sort? The answer may be simpler than you thought, because you’ve heard of something called steel epoxy putty? But what is steel epoxy putty? How does it work? And finally, does steel epoxy putty permanently fix metals?

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